60+ Hilarious Bill Brasky Quotes from SNL To Make You LOL

Bill Brasky is a fictional character from the world of comedy, first appearing on Saturday Night Live in the 1990s, where he quickly became a fan favorite for his incredible feats of strength and impossible tales. The Bill Brasky quotes on this blog are a tribute to this unforgettable character, showcasing his most hilarious and memorable lines.
Despite being a fictional character, Bill Brasky’s impact on comedy is very real, as his humor keeps up to inspire laughter and entertain audiences to this day.

Bill Brasky quotes

  • “I once saw Bill Brasky go into a restaurant and eat everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.”
  • “Bill Brasky once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky has a toenail that’s shaped like a can opener.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky is a registered lethal weapon in over 50 states.”
  • “Bill Brasky consumed a live porcupine, slept under a tree, and awoke to find himself transformed into a hedgehog.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky can make a woman pregnant just by pointing at her and saying ‘You’re pregnant!'”
  • “Bill Brasky invented the question mark.”
  • “They say that when Bill Brasky was born, he drove his mother home from the hospital.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once punched a hole through a cow just to see who was coming up the road.”
Bill Brasky Quotes with smiley eggs in the background
Bill Brasky Quotes
Bill Brasky Quotes with a white egg in a cup in white background
Bill Brasky Quotes
Bill Brasky Snl Quotes with a girl laughing in a black background
Bill Brasky Snl Quotes
Bill Brasky Snl Quotes with small smiley background
Bill Brasky Snl Quotes

Bill Brasky snl quotes

  • “Bill Brasky wrestled a shark with his bare hands… and lost… because he felt bad for the shark.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once played a game of Russian Roulette with a fully-loaded gun… and won.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s hair is so strong that he can use it to climb mountains.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once caught a falling star and used it to light his cigarette.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s sweat is so potent that it can cure the common cold.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky can run a mile in negative time.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once lifted an entire house with one hand… just to see if he could.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s tears cure cancer. Too bad he never cries.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once ate a whole watermelon… and then spit out the seeds, which grew into a new watermelon patch.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once arm-wrestled a grizzly bear and won… with his pinky finger.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s voice is so powerful that it can shatter glass.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once fought off an army of ninjas… blindfolded.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once climbed to the top of Mount Everest… backwards.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s saliva is so strong that it can dissolve metal.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once rode a tornado like a surfboard.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once dug a hole so deep that he ended up in China… and then punched a dragon in the face.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s laugh is so contagious that it can cure depression.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once arm-wrestled God… and won.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once swam across the Atlantic Ocean… just for fun.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s heart is so big that it has its own heartbeat.”
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes with a small boy laughing in the black background
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes  with a cow toy in the white background
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes with a girl in a snow background
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes  with a small white dog wearing coolers in a white background
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes

Bill Brasky Funny quotes

  • “I once saw Bill Brasky throw a live grenade, and it whispered ‘I’ll be back.'”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once beat a man to death with his own life story.”
  • “Bill Brasky can divide by zero.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once had a staring contest with the sun… and the sun blinked first.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky had a pet dinosaur… and it was house-trained.”
  • “Bill Brasky once caught a bullet with his teeth… and then ate the gun.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once wrestled a giant squid… and won… just for the calamari.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once ran a marathon… backwards… blindfolded… and carrying a piano.”
  • “Bill Brasky ate a bowl of nails for breakfast… without any milk.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once fought off a pack of wolves… with nothing but his winning personality.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky had arm-wrestled a gorilla… and won… with his other hand.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s blood type is G… for ‘Guts’.”
Famous Bill Brasky Quotes with a girl covered in coloured balls in the background
Famous Bill Brasky Quotes
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes  with a cute cat closing its eye in a brown background
Funny Bill Brasky Quotes

Famous Bill Brasky Quotes

  • “I heard that Bill Brasky punched a bear in the face… just to show off his manicure.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky once wrote a book… on a typewriter… that wasn’t even plugged in.”
  • “Bill Brasky once built a house out of chocolate… and then ate it… because he was bored.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky high-fived the Loch Ness Monster… just for the thrill of it.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky played a game of Russian Roulette… with a fully-loaded flamethrower.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s sweat smells like cologne… and tastes like victory.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky ate an entire car… just to prove that he could.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky had bench-pressed a skyscraper… just to get a better view.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s blood type is AK-47.”
  • “I once saw Bill Brasky at a club, and he was on the dance floor.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky ran a marathon without training… and won.”
  • “Bill Brasky can speak French… in Russian.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once arm-wrestled a great white shark… and won… with his pinky finger.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky wrote a love letter to himself… and got a reply.”
  • “Bill Brasky can play the piano with his feet… and the guitar with his teeth.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once wrestled a grizzly bear… just to get a better hug.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky invented a language… just so he could have a secret code with himself.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s sweat is the secret ingredient in Red Bull.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky punched a hurricane… and it apologized.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky had tamed a wild stallion… by whispering his name.”
  • “Bill Brasky can run faster than the speed of sound… while juggling.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky ate a whole pizza… without using his hands… or his mouth.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky won a staring contest with a statue… and made it blink.”
  • “Bill Brasky’s laughter can cure blindness… and make the deaf hear.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky once jumped over a building… just because someone told him he couldn’t.”
  • “They say that Bill Brasky painted a masterpiece… with his mind.”
  • “Bill Brasky can smell fear… and cook it with onions.”
  • “I heard that Bill Brasky saved a baby from a burning building… and then used it to light his cigar.”

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The Bill Brasky quotes blog is a tribute to the iconic comedy character known for his outrageous stories. It features a collection of his funniest and most memorable lines, showcasing his unique brand of humor. Whether you’re a fan of comedy or just in need of a good laugh, the blog is a great read for all. Through his impact on the world of comedy, Bill Brasky continues to bring joy and entertainment to audiences even today.

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